Vue Demo

A typical vue example is written in the following format:

::: demo
  <div class="box-vue">Vue {{ message }}</div>
export default {
  data: () => ({ message: 'Hello World' })
.box-vue { color: red; }
` ` `  <= delete spaces here

The contents of template will be combined with script to the corresponding node of the page, and style will be placed in body.


::: demo
  <div class="box-vue">
    <button @click="plus">+</button>
    <button @click="minus">-</button>
    {{ number }}
export default {
  data: () => ({ number: 0 }),
  methods: {
    plus () { this.number++ },
    minus () { this.number-- }
.box-vue { color: red; }
` ` `  <= delete spaces here

use other lib

If you want to use other libraries in the code, you can import the umd file of the corresponding library into config.js, and then use it directly in the code. At the same time, in order to be able to access resources in the online example (JSFiddle, Codepen), you need to configure jsLib or cssLib to the component configuration or global configuration (specific configuration reference settings)

module.exports = {
  head: [
    ['script', { src: '' }],
    ['script', { src: '' }],
    ['script', { src: '' }],
    ['script', { src: '' }],
    ['script', { src: '' }],
  plugins: [
::: demo
  <div class="numerify-playground">
    <p><span class="label">number: </span><input v-model="num"/></p>
    <p><span class="label">format: </span><input v-model="format"></p>
    <p><span class="label">result: </span>{{ result }}</p>

export default {
  data: function () {
    return {
      num: '123456.7000',
      format: '0,0.00[00]'
  computed: {
    result () {
      return window.numerify(this.num, this.format)
` ` `  <= delete spaces here
` ` `json
  "jsLib": [""]
` ` `

user other component

Rendering other components is basically the same as above.

::: demo
  <div class="numerify-playground">
    <ve-line :data="chartData"></ve-line>

export default {
  components: { VeLine: window.VeLine },
  data: function () {
    return {
      chartData: {
          columns: ['date', 'cost', 'profit', 'growthRate', 'people'],
          rows: [
            { 'cost': 1523, 'date': '01/01', 'profit': 1523, 'growthRate': 0.12, 'people': 100 },
            { 'cost': 1223, 'date': '01/02', 'profit': 1523, 'growthRate': 0.345, 'people': 100 },
            { 'cost': 2123, 'date': '01/03', 'profit': 1523, 'growthRate': 0.7, 'people': 100 },
            { 'cost': 4123, 'date': '01/04', 'profit': 1523, 'growthRate': 0.31, 'people': 100 },
            { 'cost': 3123, 'date': '01/05', 'profit': 1523, 'growthRate': 0.12, 'people': 100 },
            { 'cost': 7123, 'date': '01/06', 'profit': 1523, 'growthRate': 0.65, 'people': 100 }
` ` `  <= delete spaces here
` ` `json
  "jsLib": [
` ` `